We are located at:

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Singapore Department of Statistics 
109 North Bridge Road
#08-01 Funan
Singapore 179097 
Main Line: (65) 63327686 
Email: info@singstat.gov.sg

For the comprehensive listing of Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS) officers' contact details, please access DOS's directory at the Singapore Government Directory Interactive.

If you have specific enquiries, please refer to the list of useful contacts provided below.

Type of Enquiry Contact Information
Statistical Enquiries** 1800-323 8118* (Local users)
(65) 6332 7738 (Overseas users)
Data Request Form
Annual Industry Survey

Mr Mohamed Hisyamuddin
Email: Mohamed_Hisyamuddin@singstat.gov.sg
Tel: 68358978

Ms Chan Peck Har
Email: Chan_Peck_Har@singstat.gov.sg
Tel: 68358970

Environmental Goods and Services Survey (EGSS)

Dylan Wee
Email: Dylan_Wee@singstat.gov.sg
Tel: 63327696

Business, Prices and Economic Surveys for Survey Participants See Listing
Household Expenditure Survey 2022/23

1800-323-8118* (Local users)
(65) 6332 7738 (Overseas users)

SingStat Express Subscription (65) 6332 7066
(65) 6332 7769
Sampling Service for Household Surveys See Listing
Online Payment Procedure (65) 6332 7686
 Career Opportunities (65) 6332 7008
* Calls from mobile telephone lines to 1800 local toll free number may be subject to mobile airtime charges as imposed by the relevant mobile service provider.

** If you are looking for the following types of data, you may wish to email the data source directly on your statistical enquiries:

Births and Deaths Statistics   ica_feedback@ica.gov.sg
 Education Statistics  contact@moe.gov.sg
 Health Statistics  https://www.moh.gov.sg/feedback
 Information on Registered Business Entities  ACRA_QSM@acra.gov.sg
 Manpower Statistics  mom_rsd@mom.gov.sg
 Manufacturing Statistics  rsu@edb.gov.sg
 Money and Banking Statistics  https://www.mas.gov.sg/contact-us
 Public Housing Statistics  https://go.gov.sg/hdb-feedback-form
 Tourism Statistics  https://www.stb.gov.sg/footer/feedback/
 Merchandise Trade Statistics  https://go.gov.sg/askenterprisesg