Question1of 9
1 Which of the following is not a component of Operating Expenditure?
2 Which of the following is not a component of Operating Revenue?

Which of the following defines an Establishment (Services)?

A business or organisation unit engaged in ____ activity and operating in _______ location.

4 What was the largest industry within the Services sector (excluding financial & insurance services) in terms of Operating Revenue in 2023?
5 Which of the following industry within the Services sector (excluding financial & insurance services) had the highest number of establishments in 2023?
6 Which of the following industry within the Services sector (excluding financial & insurance services) showed the largest growth in Operating Revenue in 2023 over previous year?
7 Which of the following industry within the Services sector (excluding financial & insurance services) registered the highest Profitability Ratio in 2023?
8 What was the largest Operating Expenditure item within Retail Trade in 2023?
9 What were the top 3 Operating Expenditure items for Recreation, Community & Personal Services in 2023?
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