Items Unit Latest Period Latest Data % Change
(Y-o-Y) 1/
Period Data
% Change
(Y-o-Y) 2/
Population and Population Structure
(Mid-Year Estimates)
Total Population 3/ '000 2024 6,036.9 2.0 5,917.6 5.0
Singapore Residents 3/ '000 2024 4,180.9 0.8 4,149.3 1.9
Singapore Citizens '000 2024 3,635.9 0.7 3,610.7 1.6
Singapore Permanent Residents '000 2024 544.9 1.2 538.6 3.7
Population Density Per Sq Km 2024 8,207 na 8,058 na
Items Unit Latest Period Latest Data % Change
(Y-o-Y) 1/
Period Data
% Change
(Y-o-Y) 2/
Age Structure 4/            
Below 20 years '000 2024 788.0 -0.4 791.3 0.3
20-64 Years '000 2024 2,638.9 0.0 2,640.1 1.3
65 years & Over '000 2024 753.9 5.0 717.8 5.9
Median Age 4/ Years
2024 42.8 na 42.4 na
Old Age Support Ratio 4/ Number of Residents Aged 20-64
per Resident Aged 65 Years & Over
2024 3.5 na 3.7 na
Sex Ratio 4/  Males per 1,000 Females 2024 948 na 950 na

na not available or not applicable.
1 Refers to % change in latest period over the same period in the previous year.
2 Refers to % change in the previous period over the same period in the previous year.
3 Total population comprises Singapore residents and non-residents. The resident population comprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents
4 Refers to the resident population.