FAQ on Industry Statistics

  • Where can I get tools and resources to make business decisions for my firm or if I am intending to start a business?
  • What is the purpose of the Annual Industry Survey?
  • What is the difference between Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade?
  • Corporate Sector

  • What are Corporate Sector statistics?
  • How can Corporate Sector statistics be used?
  • How does profit before tax differ from operating surplus?
  • How are Corporate Sector statistics collected and compiled?

    Where can I get tools and resources to make business decisions for my firm or if I am intending to start a business?

    The Data for Businesses webpage contains tools to empower businesses to make data-driven decisions with insights on your customers, industry and business performance.


    What is the purpose of the Annual Industry Survey?

    The Annual Industry Survey is a survey conducted by the Department of Statistics (DOS). The survey collects detailed financial information of business entities and other organisations for the compilation of business and economic statistics to monitor the performance and structure of the services industries.

    The statistics are used extensively by the government and business community in their policy-making and business planning.


    What is the difference between Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade?

    Retail trade refers to the sale of goods by retailers directly to the general public for personal or household consumption. In contrast, wholesalers do not sell goods directly to the general public for personal or household consumption. Wholesalers acquire goods from producers or other suppliers, which are then sold to other buyers, e.g. retailers, other wholesalers, manufacturers etc.


    What are Corporate Sector statistics?

    Corporate Sector statistics provide insights into the financial health and dynamics of companies that are registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore.


    How can Corporate Sector statistics be used?

    The balance sheet composition provides information on the allocation of resources of companies across industries while the financial ratios allow benchmarking and industry comparison of the efficiency in using assets and equity to generate earnings, liquidity position and dependency on external funding.


    How does profit before tax differ from operating surplus?

    Profit before tax and operating surplus are both financial metrics used to assess financial performance, but they represent different aspects of profitability. Profit before tax includes total (operating and non-operating) income less total expenses while operating surplus only includes operating income less operating expenses plus depreciation of fixed assets. Income from non-operating activities such as fair value gains/losses are included in profit before tax and not in operating surplus.


    How are Corporate Sector statistics collected and compiled?

    Data on the corporate sector are collected from various sources such as financial statements and administrative data filed by companies with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and other government agencies.