Community Services

Child Care Centres

These centres provide child care services for children aged 18 months to 6 years. Some centres also provide infant care services for infants aged 2 months to 18 months. Centres may offer regular full-day, half-day and flexible programmes to cater to the different needs of parents and children.

ComCare Interim Assistance

ComCare Interim Assistance schemes provide immediate financial assistance to individuals and families who require urgent and temporary financial relief. ComCare interim assistance can be disbursed through the following community touch-points: Social Service Offices, Citizens’ Consultative Committees (Grassroots), Family Service Centres, Transitional Shelters, and the Community Justice Centre. Eligible households may receive cash, supermarket vouchers, and/or food rations.

ComCare Long Term Assistance

ComCare Long Term Assistance supports individuals who are permanently unable to work due to old age, illness or disability, have limited or no means of income, and have little or no family support. Beneficiaries receive cash assistance for their basic living expenses and household bills, assistance with their medical bills, as well as additional assistance for medical consumables and one-off essentials. They may also receive other social support services, such as community-based eldercare services.

ComCare Short-to-Medium Term Assistance

ComCare Short-to-Medium Term Assistance supports low-income individuals and families who are temporarily unable to work (e.g. due to illness, or caregiving responsibilities), are looking for employment, or are drawing low wages and require financial assistance. Beneficiaries may receive monthly cash assistance for their basic living expenses, assistance with their household bills (e.g. public rental, utilities, and service and conservancy charges), medical and employment assistance, and referrals to relevant agencies or community organisations for other forms of support (e.g. Family Service Centres for casework and counselling).

Family Service Centres (FSCs)

FSCs play a key role in building strong and stable families in Singapore. FSCs are community-based social services that support low-income and/or vulnerable individuals and families, with social and emotional issues, to achieve stability, self-reliance, and social mobility, through social work intervention.


These centres provide preschool developmental programmes for children from 3 to 6 years of age. Most kindergartens run two sessions a day, with each session ranging from 3 to 4 hours, 5 days a week.

MOE Kindergartens

These centres are run by Ministry of Education (MOE) and provide kindergarten education for children aged 5 to 6 years old. They typically run two sessions a day, with each session being 4 hours, 5 days a week. For parents who require full-day services, most MOE Kindergartens offer Kindergarten Care services.

Network of PA’s Grassroots Organisations

Includes Citizens’ Consultative Committees, Community Club Management Committees, Residents’ Committees, Residents’ Networks, Neighbourhood Committees, Community Sports Clubs, Community Sports Networks, Community Emergency and Engagement Committees, Women’s Executive Committees, Youth Networks, Senior Citizens’ Executive Committees, Malay Activity Executive Committees, Indian Activity Executive Committees, Area Sub-Committees and Building Fund Committees.

Student Care Centres

These centres provide care and supervision to school-going children aged 7 to 14 years old (7 to 18 years old for students with special needs) outside school hours, while their parents are at work. Student care centres located in schools and in the community registered with MSF may administer the ComCare Student Care Fee Assistance scheme to ensure affordability of student care for lower-income families.

Student Care Fee Assistance

ComCare Student Care Fee Assistance provides monthly fee subsidies and a one-off Start Up Grant to offset the initial costs of placing their child in the centre. This fee assistance is available to children attending student care centres registered with MSF, including special student care centres for students with special needs.


Refer to individuals, informal volunteer groups, interest groups and organisations who provide services in community and welfare programmes without receiving full market rates of remuneration or allowances.