Corporate Sector

Current Ratio

Refers to the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. It measures the liquidity of companies, i.e. their ability to meet current liabilities when due. A ratio of 1 indicates that the company has exactly balanced its current liabilities with current assets. A ratio above 1 indicates liquidity in the company. The lower the ratio is below 1, the higher the risk of the company running into a liquidity problem.

Equity Ratio

Refers to the ratio of total equity to total assets. It measures the dependence of companies on external funding, (i.e. debt) to finance their assets. The higher the dependence on external funding, the lower the ratio.

Profit before Tax

Profit before tax is defined as total (operating and non-operating) income less total expenses.

Return on Assets (ROA)

Refers to the ratio of profit before interest and tax to average total assets. It measures the efficiency of the companies in using their assets to generate earnings. Interest payments are not deducted from earnings as they are the cost of financing business capital rather than an operating cost. The resulting ratio measures the earning capacity of the company's assets regardless of how the assets are financed.

Return on Equity (ROE)

Refers to the ratio of profit before tax to average total equity. It measures the companies’ efficiency in using their shareholders’ equity to generate earnings.

Share Capital

Refers to the amount contributed by shareholders through the issue of ordinary or preference shares.

Total Assets

Refers to items controlled by the companies from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the companies. It consists of current and non-current assets.
Current assets (e.g. cash, cash equivalent, inventory) refer to assets intended to be used or sold within one year
Non-current assets (e.g. property, plant and equipment, investment in subsidiaries/associates) refer to assets intended to be held for more than one year.

Total Equity

Total equity mainly comprises share capital, retained earnings and other reserves. For total equity of Singapore’s corporate sector, it also include the net amount owed by Singapore-based branches of foreign-incorporated companies to the foreign head offices, which are used as proxies for their equity.

Total Liabilities

Liabilities are financial obligations of the companies that are payable to another entity. Examples include loans, trade payables and deposits (applicable for financial institutions only).