
Equity Capital

Equity capital covers all components of shareholders' funds (proportionate to the percentage of shares held), including equity, contributed surplus, reinvested earnings, revaluations, as well as any reserve accounts. The amount of equity capital is compiled based on market value.

Fixed Asset Investment (FAI)

Refers to a company’s incremental capital investment in facilities, equipment and machinery.

Foreign Direct Equity Investment (FDEI)

Refers to equity capital in enterprises attributable to direct investors residing in another economy. For branches of non-resident banks, their net fixed assets are used as a proxy of equity capital. For branches of other non-resident entities, the net amount owed by branches to their non-resident head office is used.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) refers to cross-border investment, where a direct investor residing in one economy owns 10 per cent or more of the ordinary shares or voting power in a direct investment enterprise, residing in another country.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is measured by the sum of three components:

  • equity capital invested by the direct investor in the direct investment enterprise
  • retained earnings accrued to the direct investor, which are earnings generated by the direct investment enterprise after deducting the dividends payable to the direct investor
  • net intercompany loans between the direct investor and the direct investment enterprise

FDI statistics are presented on a directional basis according to the direction of influence (inward or outward direct investment) by the direct investor underlying the direct investment for the reporting economy. Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore refers to an investment where a direct investor, residing in another economy, owns 10 per cent or more of the ordinary shares or voting power in an enterprise in Singapore. Singapore’s Direct Investment Abroad (DIA) refers to an investment where a direct investor in Singapore owns 10 per cent or more of the ordinary shares or voting power in an overseas enterprise. When presented on a directional basis, reverse investment (e.g. a direct investment enterprise lending to its direct investor) and investment between related enterprises are netted off.

Investment Commitments

Investment projects in terms of fixed assets which companies commit to invest in Singapore. Projects are only recorded as commitments if the company has made a firm undertaking to implement the project.

Net Inter-Company Lending

Refers to the net inter-company debt, in the form of loans and debt securities, between the enterprise in Singapore and its related entities overseas.

Share Capital

Refers to the amount contributed by shareholders through the issue of ordinary or preference shares.

Retained Earnings

Retained earnings refers to earnings on equity accruing to direct investors less distributed earnings (i.e. dividends), proportionate to the percentage ownership of the equity stake owned by the direct investor, which are reinvested into the direct investment enterprises.