
Age-specific divorce rate

Refers to the number of divorces and annulments granted within a specific age group during the year, out of every thousand married population in the same age group.

Age-specific fertility rate

Refers to the number of live-births to females in a particular age group, per thousand females in that age group during the period.

Age-specific marriage rate

Refers to the number of marriages registered within a specific age group during the year, out of every thousand unmarried population in the same age group.

General divorce rate

Refers to the number of divorces and annulments granted to married persons aged 20 years and over during the year, out of every thousand married population in the same age group.

General marriage rate

Refers to the number of marriages registered among persons aged 15-49 years during the year, out of every thousand unmarried population in the same age group.

Gross reproduction rate

Refers to the average number of daughters each female would have during her reproductive years if she were subject to the prevailing age-specific fertility rates in the population in a given year.

Infant mortality rate

Refers to the number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per thousand live-births.

Life expectancy

Refers to the average number of additional years which a person at a specific age (such as at birth or at age 65 years) might expect to live, if he or she were to experience the age-specific mortality rates of the reference period throughout his or her lifetime.

Net reproduction rate

Refers to the average number of daughters each female would have during her reproductive years if she were subject to the prevailing age-specific fertility and mortality rates in the population in a given year. It is a refinement of the gross reproduction rate, and is also the measure of replacement of population.

Non-resident population

Comprises foreigners who are working, studying or living in Singapore but not granted permanent residence, excluding tourists and short-term visitors.

Resident population

Comprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.

Total fertility rate (TFR)

Refers to the average number of live-births each female would have during her reproductive years if she were subject to the prevailing age-specific fertility rates in the population in a given year. It is derived by aggregating the age-specific fertility rates of females in each of the reproductive ages for a specific year.

Total population

Comprises Singapore residents and non-residents.