Items Unit Latest Period Latest Data % Change
(Y-o-Y)  1/
Period Data
% Change
(Y-o-Y)  2/
National Accounts            
GDP at Current Market Prices S$m 1Q 2024 172,128.7 6.8 176,412.1 2.6
GDP in Chained (2015) Dollars S$m 1Q 2024 133,979.9 2.7 137,319.0 2.2
GDP at Current Market Prices S$m 2023  673,300.3 -2.0 687,230.4 17.8
GDP in Chained (2015) Dollars S$m 2023 532,259.5 1.1 526,598.4 3.8
Items Unit Latest Period Latest Data % Change
(Y-o-Y)  1/
Period Data
% Change
(Y-o-Y)  2/
Per Capita GDP S$ 2023 113,779  -6.7 121,914 14.0
Per Capita GNI S$ 2023 95,455  -3.1 98,550.0  8.4
Gross Fixed Capital Formation at Current Prices S$m 2023 149,410.2 4.9 142,375.9 9.7
Public Sector S$m 2023  27,626.0 12.8 24,484.0 10.1
Private Sector S$m 2023 121,784.2 3.3 117,891.9 9.7
Gross National Saving S$m 2023 274,626.5 -0.9 277,050.9 8.4 

Data are preliminary when first released.
1 Refers to % change in latest period over the same period in the previous year.
2 Refers to % change in the previous period over the same period in the previous year.

Detailed Statistical Time Series

Income Components of Gross Domestic Product at Current Prices

Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables