The Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) is the national standard for classifying economic activities undertaken by economic units and is used in censuses of population, household and establishment surveys and in administrative databases. The SSIC adopts the basic framework and principles of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC). It is reviewed and updated regularly to reflect significant changes in the structure of the Singapore economy and the emergence of new activities as well as to align with changes in international standards.

This SSIC 2020 is an update of the SSIC 2015 (Version 2018) edition. More details on the classification, including the principles, structure and changes from the previous edition are available in the publication “Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2020”.

Detailed Definitions, Alphabetical Index and Correspondence Tables

SSIC Search

Previous Classifications

2015 (Version 2018)


Correspondence Table



Correspondence Tables