The quarterly household sector balance sheet is compiled by the Singapore Department of Statistics. It shows the household sector’s assets and liabilities at a particular point in time (i.e. as at end-of-period). The quarterly series start from the reference period of 1st Quarter 1995.
Household assets can be classified as financial or non-financial assets. Financial assets include currency & deposits, shares & securities (e.g. listed shares, unlisted shares, unit trusts & investment funds), life insurance (attributable to households as policyholders), Central Provident Fund balances, and pension funds. Non-financial assets mainly refer to residential property assets and are categorised into public housing and private housing.
Household liabilities comprise mortgages (from the Housing and Development Board and financial institutions) and personal loans (e.g. motor vehicle loans, credit or charge card loans and other personal loans).
Net worth is the difference between total assets and total liabilities at a particular point in time.
Singapore’s household sector balance sheet is compiled in accordance with the principles and recommendations set out in the United Nations’ publication on “System of National Accounts, 2008” (SNA). These estimates are compiled largely from administrative and survey sources using aggregate data from firms and institutions at the economy-wide level.
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Household Sector Balance Sheet
Title : Household Sector Balance Sheet (End Of Period), Quarterly
Million Dollars
Data Items
2023 1Q |
2023 2Q |
2023 3Q |
2023 4Q |
2024 1Q |
2024 2Q |
2024 3Q |
2024 4Q |
Household Net Worth
2,656,059.7 |
2,700,112.9 |
2,728,779 |
2,814,508.3 |
2,872,703.3 |
2,919,647.9 |
2,976,551.1 |
3,052,040.2 |
3,014,560 |
3,059,937.5 |
3,090,032.2 |
3,178,795.1 |
3,237,721.6 |
3,288,024.2 |
3,350,578.6 |
3,431,440.9 |
Financial Assets
1,692,158.1 |
1,722,043.4 |
1,738,383.5 |
1,785,432.6 |
1,810,903.7 |
1,832,632.8 |
1,881,260.9 |
1,925,062.2 |
Residential Property Assets
1,322,401.9 |
1,337,894.1 |
1,351,648.7 |
1,393,362.5 |
1,426,818 |
1,455,391.4 |
1,469,317.7 |
1,506,378.7 |
358,500.4 |
359,824.6 |
361,253.2 |
364,286.8 |
365,018.3 |
368,376.3 |
374,027.5 |
379,400.7 |
Mortgage Loans
263,352.1 |
264,888.7 |
266,682.9 |
269,043.3 |
269,258.9 |
270,319.2 |
274,729.2 |
277,384.3 |
Personal Loans
95,148.2 |
94,935.9 |
94,570.4 |
95,243.5 |
95,759.5 |
98,057.1 |
99,298.3 |
102,016.4 |
Figures may not add up due to rounding.
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Other References
Household Sector Balance Sheet
Quarterly Household Sector Balance Sheet